Research Tutorial

Research Tutorial


The APA Format

APA format is a widely accepted research paper writing format, especially for research in the field of social sciences. It standardizes the citation and reference writing methods of academic literature, as well as the arrangement of tables, charts, footnotes, and […]

Chapters in Thesis/Dissertation

How many chapters should be written to write a paper, and what is the content of each chapter? In fact, there are no fixed chapter requirements for papers, but generally business management, MBA or DBA papers adopt the following layout: […]

Research Methodology

Research methods refer to the tools and techniques for collecting data, making inferences, explanations, and predictions. Research methodology refers to the theory of research methods, involving the basic assumptions, logic, and principles of the method. Therefore, research method is about […]

How to search for useful literature for literature research?

Literature review is an important chapter in the thesis. The purpose of literature review is to study relevant research literature and find out the research gap that needs to be solved. Many years ago, before the Internet, students had to […]

Quantitative Research versus Qualitative Research

Many overseas universities require students to write graduation thesis, such as Glyndŵr University, University of Wales, University of Greenwich, Edinburgh Napier University, thesis. When studying for a master’s degree at Buckinghamshire New University, all aim at helping students write a […]

Every Thesis/Dissertation Needs Theoretical Support

Many students ignore the importance of theoretical support when writing their research paper. The thesis or dissertation is a report of academic research. The research should not be based on imagination but should be designed according to a suitable theory. […]
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